Jh Farms, 1134 Pasadero Drive, Escondido, CA, 92029-3011, general farms, primarily crop

U.S Agricultural Production California Agricultural Production California - List of United States Agricultural Production - Crops

Jh Farms

Company Name: Jh Farms
Status: Active
State: California
Post: 92029-3011
County: San Diego
City: Escondido
Address: 1134 Pasadero Drive
Phone: (760)743-6234
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Principal: Han Joo
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 0191 Industry group: Agricultural Production-crops, Business category: General Farms, Primarily Crop
Overall: Jh Farms is a business categorized under general farms, primarily crop, which is part of the larger category agricultural production-crops. Jh Farms is located at the address 1134 Pasadero Drive in Escondido, California 92029-3011. The Principal is Han Joo who can be contacted at (760)743-6234.
Description: General Farms, Primarily Crop
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Name: R.J.
Message: J. H. farm provides top notch Korean vegetables and fruits that can be found all throughout North America, and U. S. territories. Their Gold Flake Melons are the gold standard for chamoe (참외).
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